Memberful admin dashboard

With Memberful, you get an independent dashboard featuring powerful metrics and activity feeds along with all the tools you need to build and manage your membership business.

Memberful dashboard

In this help doc:

Dashboard tab

Here's the link to access your Memberful dashboard:

Replace YOURSITE with your actual Account URL subdomain, which can be found via Account → Account settings.

From the Dashboard tab you can:

Members tab

From the Members tab you can import members and add new members. You can also apply a filter to view active members, inactive members, free signups, All Access Pass members, or all members, and export a CSV report.

Members tab

Click a name to edit a member’s details, manage their subscriptions, view their activity, view or download past invoices, and check their integration statuses.

Member profile

Manage subscriptions

When you click a subscription, you can change the renewal date, cancel a subscription so it doesn't auto-renew, add a coupon, and view (and edit) the Active Since field. Active Since is a counter that tracks how long the member has been active without lapsing. You can use this data to reward longevity.

Edit a subscription

Search for members

Enter a member's name, email address, order number, or Discord ID in the search bar on any page in the Memberful dashboard. You can also type "s" anywhere in the Dashboard (assuming your cursor is not in another input field) to access the search bar.


Plans tab

From the Plans tab you can create a new Plan, view active subscribers by Plan, manage Plan Settings, and enable free registration.

Plans tab

Content tab

From the Content tab, you can access our hosted content features: Posts, Podcasts, and Downloads.

Customize tab

From the Customize tab, you can access a high-level overview of what’s available to customize and how the components flow together. The 5 customizable areas are:

From each area, you have access to our powerful Visual Editor to see which features are customizable, how they interact, and what they’ll look like to your members across different views and devices.

Discounts tab

Analytics tab

Activity tab

Settings tab

The Settings tab is divided into sections that allow you to configure different aspects of your Memberful account.

Settings tab

Account tab

Whether you're a site owner or staff member, you can update your personal information from the Account tab. If you're the site owner, you'll also have the ability to "go live" (i.e. connect to your Stripe account) and access plan and billing details.

Manage account tab

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