WordPress shortcodes

Memberful's WordPress plugin allows you to restrict access to an entire post or page through its Restrict Access metabox. If you want to protect certain parts of the content in a post or page, you can use our shortcodes instead.

In this help doc:

Access shortcodes via the Memberful editor button

This article shows all our shortcodes. The Memberful button in the classic WordPress editor (not available in the new Gutenberg block editor) allows you to add the most common shortcodes to any page or post. The other shortcodes can be added manually.

Memberful editor button

Link for a member to sign in to their account:

[memberful_sign_in_link]Sign in[/memberful_sign_in_link]

Link for a member to sign out of their account:

[memberful_sign_out_link]Sign out[/memberful_sign_out_link]

Link for a member to see their account profile:


Link to a protected Download:

[memberful_download_link download="123-my-download-slug"]Download[/memberful_download_link]

Link to all the Podcasts in the member's account:

[memberful_podcasts_link]Access your Podcasts[/memberful_podcasts_link]

Deep-link to a specific Podcast in a member's account:

[memberful_podcasts_link podcast=5787]Access the podcast[/memberful_podcasts_link]

Display the RSS URL for a member's specific Podcast:

[memberful_podcast_url podcast=2]

Link to a member's Private RSS Feed:

[memberful_private_rss_feed_link]Your RSS feed[/memberful_private_rss_feed_link]

Restrict access with shortcodes

We recommend using the Memberful restrict access metabox to restrict access to content. If you want to protect certain parts of the content in a post or page, you can use shortcodes. You'll first need to fetch the integration slug from your Memberful dashboard. The slug for a Plan is shown inside the summary box on the right side of the screen when editing that Plan.

Slug for Memberful Plan

The slug for a Download is shown at the bottom of the page when editing that Download.

Slug for Memberful Download

Here's a basic example of requiring a subscription to the Big Awesome Plan to see the protected content.

[memberful has_subscription_to="154-big-awesome"]

  Protected content goes here...


Require the Super Rad Download to see the protected content.

[memberful has_download="27-super-rad"]

  Protected content goes here...


Specify multiple Plans or Downloads

If you want to specify multiple subscription Plans or Downloads, use a comma separated list. The content will be shown if the customer is subscribed to any of the Plans, or owns any of the Downloads you specify.

[memberful has_subscription_to="154-big-awesome,277-cool-hair"]

  This will only be visible to members who have either the "Big Awesome" subscription, or the "Cool Hair" subscription.

[memberful has_download="27-super-rad,59-rock-on"]

  This will only be visible to members who have purchased either the "Super Rad" Download, or the "Rock On" Download.


Alternatively, you can restrict the content to members that have a subscription to any plan:


  This will be visible to members that have a subscription to any plan.


Show content to customers who haven't yet purchased

If you want to show potential customers a message encouraging them to subscribe to a Plan, use the does_not_have_subscription_to shortcode:

[memberful does_not_have_subscription_to="154-big-awesome"]

  Shown to users who haven't purchased the "Big Awesome" subscription.


Or for a Download, use does_not_have_download:

[memberful does_not_have_download="27-super-rad"]

  Shown to users who haven't purchased the "Super Rad" Download.


You can also show content to those that don't have a subscription to any plan:


  This will only be visible to users that don't have any subscriptions.


Can't find what you're looking for? We'd love to help! 💪

Send us a message through the orange chat bubble in the lower right corner of the page. You'll hear back within a few hours Monday - Friday. 😀