Pause a subscription

Need a break and want to pause charges for your members? No problem! There are a few ways to pause subscription charges for a member and each one works a bit differently so you get to pick the right one for your specific scenario. Please contact us if you need to pause subscriptions for more than 20 members.

In this help doc:

Extend the renewal date

This action allows you to customize the specific date for the next charge and does not impact your churn metrics.

Navigate to the member's profile, click the subscription link, and change the renewal to a later date.

Extend renewal date

Suspend the order

Suspending an order prevents the member from accessing their subscription and any members-only content. Learn more about suspending orders.

Navigate to the member's profile, click the subscription Order #, and then click Suspend order. Click Complete order to unpause the plan.

Suspend order

We allow you 30 days to recover the payment before counting it toward churn. We mark it paid again if the order is reactivated by marking it as complete.

Apply a coupon to the subscription

If you’re on our Pro or Premium plan, navigate to Plans → Coupons and create a 100% off recurring coupon. From the member’s profile, click the subscription link and then click Add coupon. When you want to unpause the member, remove the coupon from their subscription.

Coupon applied

Applying a 100% coupon to a subscription is considered a paying member loss and counted towards your churn rate.

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