Webinar success: Tips and tools for hosting an engaging online event

What is a webinar? We'll discuss strategies and tools

Introduction: What is a webinar?

Webinars have become a powerful communication tool for businesses, educational institutions, and organizations alike. We at Memberful use them to assist and educate our existing and potential customers. With the ability to connect with people across the globe, webinars offer an engaging and interactive way to share information and inspire collaboration.

In this easy ‘What is a webinar?’ guide, we'll discuss strategies, tips, and tools that will help you plan, create, and promote successful webinars that stand out from the competition and drive results. Let’s dive in!

The importance of webinars

Webinars provide several benefits, making them an invaluable asset for businesses and organizations seeking to expand their reach, boost brand awareness, and drive conversions.

  • Cost-effective marketing: Webinars can generate leads and nurture prospects at a relatively low cost compared to traditional marketing channels. We hold a weekly demo webinar for potential customers looking to learn more about the Memberful product.
  • Enhanced engagement: Interactive features like Q&A, live chat, and polls encourage attendees to participate, increasing the chances of retention and conversion.
  • Global reach: Webinars break down geographical barriers, enabling organizations to connect with a broader audience and establish a global presence.
  • Educational opportunities: Webinars can be used for training purposes, sharing industry knowledge, and establishing thought leadership.
  • Easy analytics: Data captured during webinars can be used to measure performance, track engagement, and identify areas for improvement.

Planning a webinar and making it successful

A well-planned webinar is key to ensuring its success. As with so many business tasks, you'll need to do the simple things right and much of the rest will fall into place. Know exactly what you want your webinar to achieve and which members of your target audience will be a factor in this. If you have speakers make sure they're prepared and make time to have a run-through in advance with your panellists if necessary.


Consider the following steps when organizing your online event:

Define your goals

Clearly outline the objectives of your webinar, such as generating leads, educating attendees, or promoting a product.

Identify your target audience

Understand the needs and preferences of your audience to deliver relevant and valuable content.

Set a date and time

Schedule your webinar at a time that is convenient for your target audience, considering factors like time zones and work hours.

Select a webinar format

Choose a format that best suits your objectives, such as a panel discussion or roundtable, a one-to-one interview, ‘fireside chat’ or product demonstration.

Create an agenda

Outline the structure of your webinar, including the order of presentations, time for Q&A, and any breaks. It may be useful to appoint a moderator to keep the conversation flowing.

Prepare your speakers

Provide your speakers – especially if they are guests from a different company – with guidelines, expectations, and deadlines to ensure a polished presentation.

Rehearse if necessary

Conduct a rehearsal to troubleshoot technical issues, test interactive features, and refine your content. In my personal experience with webinars, the only time things go wrong is during transitions between speakers so try to minimize this if possible.

Selecting the best webinar platform for you

Choosing the right webinar platform is crucial for delivering a seamless and engaging experience. Consider the following factors when selecting a webinar platform that meets your needs:

  • Ease of use: Opt for a user-friendly platform with an intuitive interface for both hosts and attendees.
  • Scalability: Choose a platform that can accommodate your audience size and offers the flexibility to scale up as your webinars grow in popularity.
  • Customization: Select a platform with branding options and customizable registration forms to create a consistent and professional look.
  • Integration capabilities: Ensure the platform integrates with your existing marketing and CRM tools for efficient lead management and data analysis.
  • Interactive features: Engage your audience with features like polls, live chat, and Q&A sessions.
  • Analytics and reporting: Opt for a platform that offers in-depth analytics to track attendance, engagement, and conversion metrics.
  • Pricing: Compare different pricing plans and select one that offers the features you need at a cost that fits your budget.

Here at Memberful we use Zoom. It’s certainly not the cheapest option but it has a number of benefits that for us make it worth the investment.


We particularly like the custom-branded URLs for events, the large number of attendees allowed, and its integration with Google Calendar.

How to best engage your audience

Interactive features can enhance audience engagement and create a more memorable webinar experience. Some popular interactive features to consider include:

  • Live chat: Encourage attendee interaction and networking by enabling a live chat feature.
  • Q&A sessions: Set aside time for attendees to ask questions and receive live responses from presenters, fostering a sense of connection and interaction.
  • Polls and surveys: Gather feedback and opinions from your audience with polls and surveys, allowing you to tailor your content and gauge audience satisfaction.
  • Breakout rooms: Create smaller, focused discussion groups to encourage attendee collaboration and networking.
  • Gamification: Incorporate quizzes, challenges, or rewards to stimulate attendee interest and participation.
  • Resources and takeaways: Provide downloadable resources such as slide decks, whitepapers, or checklists to enhance the value of your webinar and facilitate information retention.

Creating effective webinar presentations

A well-structured and visually appealing presentation can captivate your audience and convey your message more effectively.

Consider these tips for creating a standout webinar presentation:

Start with a strong introduction

Begin your webinar with an engaging introduction that includes presenter introductions, a brief overview of the topic, and a clear statement of your objectives.

Use a simple and consistent design

Opt for a clean and minimalistic design that is easy to read and visually appealing. Maintain consistency in font styles, sizes, and colors throughout your slides.

Incorporate visuals

Use high-quality imagery to support your message and create a more engaging experience. Our Customer Success team always creates high-impact visuals such as charts to highlight important information such as financial results and membership retention, acquisition and churn.

Tell a story

Make your content relatable and engaging by incorporating storytelling elements such as anecdotes, examples, or case studies.

Maintain a balanced pace

Ensure your presentation flows smoothly, allowing enough time for attendees to absorb information without feeling rushed.

Promoting your webinar to maximize attendance

Effectively promoting your webinar can significantly increase attendance and conversion rates. Promoting your webinar

Implement these promotional strategies to reach a larger audience:

Create a landing page

Design an informative and compelling landing page that highlights the value of your webinar, includes a registration form, and provides clear calls to action.

Send an email

Send personalized email invitations, reminders, and follow-ups to your target audience of customers and members to drive registration and attendance. Here at Memberful we also use Intercom to communicate with our customers.

Share on social

Share your webinar across your social media channels, using relevant hashtags and targeted ads to reach a wider audience. Encourage your presenters and partners to share the event on their own social networks as well.

Publish blog content

Create a blog post that covers the key points of your webinar, providing a taste of what attendees can expect and directing readers to your registration page.


Partner with industry influencers or complementary businesses to co-host or promote your webinar, leveraging their networks to expand your reach.

Offer incentives

Provide exclusive bonuses or discounts for webinar attendees to boost interest and increase registrations. You might like to offer a referral code.

Track and optimize

Monitor the performance of your promotional efforts, adjusting your strategies and tactics as needed.

Measuring the success of your webinar

Assessing your webinar's performance is essential for identifying areas of improvement and quantifying your return on investment (ROI).

Measuring the success of your webinar

Key performance indicators (KPIs) to track include:

  • Registration: The total number of individuals who register for your webinar, indicating interest in your topic and the effectiveness of your promotional efforts.
  • Attendance: The percentage of registered attendees who actually participate in the webinar, reflecting the appeal and relevance of your content.
  • Engagement: Metrics such as chat participation, poll responses, and the use of interactive features, which offer insight into the level of attendee interest and involvement.
  • Conversion rate: The percentage of attendees who complete a desired action, such as signing up for a demo, purchasing a product, or downloading a resource. Our Customer Success team regularly sees potential customers sign up as a result of a successful webinar!
  • Satisfaction and feedback: Post-webinar survey responses and testimonials, providing qualitative data on attendee satisfaction and areas for improvement.
  • Return on investment (RoI): The ratio of revenue generated by the webinar to the cost of hosting and promoting it, indicating the overall success and profitability of your event.

Case studies: Companies using webinars effectively

Many companies across various industries use webinars effectively to engage with their audience, provide valuable information, and promote their products or services. Here are a few examples of companies that are known for using webinars effectively:

  • HubSpot: This marketing software provider offers webinars as part of their inbound marketing strategy. They cover topics related to marketing, sales, and customer service, providing valuable insights to their audience. For details, see hubspot.com/resources/webinar.
  • Salesforce: This customer relationship management (CRM) platform, utilizes webinars to educate their customers and prospects about their products and industry trends. They often invite industry experts to discuss relevant topics and provide training sessions for users. For details, see salesforce.com/events/webinars.
  • Moz: This provider of search engine optimization (SEO) tools hosts webinars that focus on SEO techniques, industry updates, and digital marketing strategies. These webinars help them engage with their target audience and establish themselves as thought leaders. For details, see moz.com/learn.
  • Buffer: This social media management platform, uses webinars to educate users on social media marketing strategies, content creation, and analytics. They provide practical tips and insights to help businesses improve their social media presence. For details, see buffer.com/webinars.

These are just a few examples, but many other companies effectively use webinars as a part of their marketing and educational strategie

Conclusion: How to host successful webinars

Webinars are an invaluable tool for connecting with a global audience, sharing knowledge, and driving conversions. By following the strategies, tips, and best practices outlined in this guide, you'll be well-equipped to plan, execute, and promote highly engaging and successful webinars that deliver measurable results. We like to think we use webinars very effectively to acquire, retain and help customers.

From selecting the right platform and incorporating interactive features, to creating compelling presentations and promoting your event effectively, the keys to webinar success are within your reach. Embrace the power of webinars and unlock new opportunities for growth and collaboration in the digital age. Have fun!

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